Welcome to the internet home of Beth El Gibor. We are a Messianic Jewish Congregation, where Jews and Gentiles praise, worship and study. Celebrating our unity in the Living God together in a rich Jewish Heritage in the revelation of the Messiah Yeshua(Jesus).
We believe that Yeshua, the promised Messiah has come...and is coming again as the scriptures promise! We believe in the Truth of all scriptures From Genesis to Revelation as the inerrant Word of the Lord, we Believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is indeed the Word made flesh and God incarnate.
We believe that both Jewish people and Gentiles (the nations) have the same opportunity to be grafted into the tree (Yeshua being the root). All based on Faith in the Messiah, allowing us to join together to enjoy the blessings of the Lord in His Word and through his Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit)!
Rabbi Mark Shulman and Rabbi Eduardo Arroyo invite you to join them and the congregation in traditional Hebrew liturgical worship, traditional and contemporary worship and in the hearing of the Word and being edified in the word.
Come visit and experience the love of God and the congregation in our home!
Rabbi Shulman was raised and instructed in a traditional observant Jewish home; this training and understanding of the Jewish foundation of the bible have been invaluable in sharing his faith in the Messiah to the Jew first and equally to the Gentile (Romans 1:16). His religious training prior to being a believer in Yeshua included many years of instruction including studying at Yeshiva Ohavi Zedek; he attended nights while earning a Bachelor degree from the University of Vermont. He earned a Masters degree in Theology from Northwestern Theological Seminary.
Rabbi Mark has been a believer in Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) for over 26 years and has been involved in the Messianic Jewish movement for 25 years.
He has served as chairman of the Northeast Regional of the MJAA (Messianic Jewish Alliance of America) and regularly teaches at the annual International Messiah Conference in Grantham PA.

His S'micha (ordination) is through the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues.) He is also an ordained chaplain through the UMJC (Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations.) Rabbi Shulman currently serves the United States Air Force Auxiliary and holds the grade of Major. He currently serves the Pennsylvania Wing as the Wing Chaplain supervising the Chaplain Corps state wide.
Rebbitzin Ranjiena serves equally alongside Rabbi Mark, she leads several ministries such as Hospitality and the Women's Sharing and Caring Group.
Rabbi Mark and Ranjiena have been married 38 years and have 3 children, Ariel, Ian and Tyler and 6 grandchildren, Kiera, Kendal, Cairo, Luke, Natalie and Lux.
Rabbi Arroyo was born in Brooklyn New York to Anusim (Crypto-Jewish) parents and was raised in a nominally Catholic home. He returned to Judaism, the faith of his fathers, in 2003 at the age of 19 after a meeting with Messianic Jewish Rabbi David Rosenberg on Nyack College campus.
A few years later Rabbi Eduardo moved to Pennsylvania and met the then Associate Messianic Jewish Rabbi of Beit Simcha Mark Shulman in Allentown Pennsylvania. Rabbi Mark became a spiritual father to Rabbi Eduardo.
In 2014, he married the love of his life Rebbitzin Amy Arroyo. They have been together for over 13 years. They have been blessed with five sons; Javontae, Elijah, Jeremiah, Aiden and Zachariah. Rebbetzin Amy serves as a teacher in Tiny Tot and Senior Shabbat school, coordinates the Nursery and Kids Corner, and helps to maintain the Beth El Gibor website and Youtube channel. She homeschools her youngest sons, enjoys making challah and cooking for a crowd.

Rabbi Arroyo graduated from Muhlenburg college with a Bachelors (Double Major) in Jewish Studies and Religion Studies.
In 2019, he received S'micha (ordination) as a Messianic Jewish Rabbi from Senior Rabbi Mark Shulman. Rabbi Eduardo is a fully ordained Messianic Jewish Rabbi by the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues).
He has also served as a Chaplain for Pennsylvania Department of Corrections.
Rabbi Eduardo hosts a podcast called Radar Apologetics dealing with theology and apologetics from a Messianic Jewish perspective.

Front Row- Wanda Staples, Kim Rosario, Abigail Patton, Yvonne Wong
Middle Row- Rebbetzin Amy Arroyo, Rabbi Mark Shulman, Rebbetzin Ranjiena Shulman, Danna Rodriguez
Back Row- Delynn Day, Rabbi Eduardo Arroyo, Zaken Leon Benner, Kathy Jo Benner, Zaken Israel Rodriquez