Shalom my brothers and sisters,
We all are aware that there is nothing stable about the Coronavirus that we as a nation and the world is facing. The only constant is that there isn't one.
The BEG leadership team have been praying and communicating over the last couple of days, and though we had established our response on Saturday night and shared just a couple of days ago, we as a group are led to make significant changes to our response to the crisis.
It is not a matter of all being in agreement on every detail but that we are in unity supporting what we believe is best long term for the whole community. We do not know if every decision we make and the timing of it is correct, only time will tell, but what we do want to assure you of is that we are operating in love and not in fear.
The truth is that decisions have a great responsibility and burden not only for the team but all the flock. Every decision brings reactions, and we are sure that the reactions will vary, possibly widely. We all need to keep in mind that the decisions made affect not only us as individuals but our families and community at large, this is a huge responsibility. I pray that whatever your personal response is, relief, disappointment or other, that you would all stand in unity with us through this serious trial.
This will be a great burden on not only us but our community, separation is sure to create anxiety and even panic, for we are their only outlet particularly physically and emotionally.
With all that being said, here are the challenging steps we are taking:
Beginning this Shabbat we will be streaming services each Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh, service will begin at 10:30 AM as usual. The service will be a bit modified, particularly in how we share the scriptures for the day, there will be no Torah service as such, since it will be a skeleton crew present.
All other events that may come along are cancelled that would require public presence, including Discipleship and Intercessory prayer
Cancel Bar and Bat Mitzvah classes - also most of them will have to be pushed back, those in April and probably May
All men's groups and Women's groups to be cancelled till the all clear is sounded
Rabbi Eduardo and I are working on offering a weekday evening bible study that we would facilitate via Zoom or another avenue
Rabbi Eduardo has established a legit Facebook page, in doing so we can eliminate the bogus one that is out there, we have no idea who set it up. It is active now and will be another way to stay in contact
Things we need to be aware of or initiate:
It will be vital for our sheep to continue financially supporting the community, without it we will be in trouble. It may be even more urgent to support your offerings so that we can help those that may find the have needs due to circumstance. PayPal (for those that have not used it there is a link on the website, or you can used "" or mailing a check or having your set up auto pay from your financial institution are the best ways. You can mail it if you desire but please use the 3910 Tamarind Drive, Bethlehem 18020 address. This may play a role in helping those that may be at risk for basics like food. We will see what the government is actually going to do
We all need to reach out to one another regularly!!!
Phone, Duo, even email to stay connected. Each person can pray about the safety of personal visits. I know the Rabbi's as able will open themselves to this as situations warrant. There may be serious issues of people suffering from isolation, anxiety or even panic. If you are in trouble reach out to another brother or sister!
I am grieved over the circumstances, particularly the impact any of our decisions have on our community and myself personally. For me and I am sure all of you, BEG is my family, I live and breathe it. My heart and that of all the leadership team are aching, separation even for only a couple of weeks grieves us. I cannot know if all our decisions are at the right time or not, but we trust them to the Lord. The decisions are some of the most difficult that I have had to decide upon and I have made many giant ones over the years, personally, professionally and spiritually. If you need us reach out to us!
I pray for unity for all of us in this trial, much love patience and understanding. Ranjiena and I personally have been challenged to seek the Lord and not to just be directed by our own heart's desire, sometimes it can lead us from the best choices.
Do I have doubts about all the choices? Yes, the adversary likes seeing us off our game, that is seeking the Lord for all our steps. Pray for us as we all pray for you. Pray for wisdom for us as we continue to make godly decisions short term and long term for our sheep. We need each other more than ever before and we will be tested in our relationships. I encourage small gatherings as the Lord leads.
We will review our positions weekly or daily as things may change in our region, and we will respond. Take advantage of the opportunities we can offer or are currently working on, we will keep you all posted via email.
We put it all in the hands of our able Messiah Yeshua, for he has us covered!
Chazak, chazak, v'nit chazek, Be Strong, Be Strengthened and be Encouraged
Ranjiena and I love and care for you all more than we can express in words.
Welcome to the internet home of Beth El Gibor. We are a Messianic Jewish Congregation, where Jews and Gentiles praise, worship and study. Celebrating our unity in the Living God together in a rich Jewish Heritage in the revelation of the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus).
We believe that Yeshua, the promised Messiah has come...and is coming again as the scriptures promise! We believe in the Truth of all scriptures From Genesis to Revelation as the inerrant Word of the Lord, we Believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is indeed the Word made flesh and God incarnate.
We believe that both Jewish people and Gentiles (the nations) have the same opportunity to be grafted into the tree (Yeshua being the root). All based on Faith in the Messiah, allowing us to join together to enjoy the blessings of the Lord in His Word and through his Ruach ha-Kodesh (Holy Spirit)!
Messianic Rabbi's Mark Shulman And Eduardo Arroyo invite you to join them and the congregation in traditional Hebrew liturgical worship, traditional and contemporary worship and in the hearing of the Word and being edified in the word.
Come visit and experience the Love of God and of the congregation in our home!
Worship Service Live Streaming
Shabbat morning services are every week beginning at 10:30am and run
approximately 3 hours.
Weekly Torah Readings
Haftorah/Judges & Prophets
1 Kings 9-13
Brit Chadasha/Apostolic Writings
1 Corinthians 5-8